Cockroach treatment effectiveness
Our pest control specialists use special equipment and methods to flush the cockroaches out from their hiding spots with approved insecticides. Our treatment gets rid of cockroaches 100% and you get a warranty to make sure that cockroaches are never a problem again.
Cockroach removal DIY
Save yourself some money and stop trying “do it yourself” methods or products that involve spraying and baiting every other day at approximately $50 per session. They never resolve the problem 100% and consequently, make the cost of cockroach removal higher than it should be. Since cockroaches hide in many small places, only a professional can reach them all and fully get rid of them. Let us help you to get rid of your cockroach infestation right, the first time.
Save yourself time and money and stop trying do-it-yourself methods and products. They never resolve the problem 100% and consequently, are usually just a waste of resources. Since cockroaches hide in many small places, only a professional can find them all and get rid of them. Let us help you to eliminate your cockroaches, so you can enjoy a bug-free environment.
Will cockroach treatment damage your home?
Here are a few things about your home’s safety that you should know with regard to cockroach treatment:
- Your cockroach specialist (exterminator) will inform you about all the precautions you must take before the cockroach treatment takes place in your home.
- Here’s some good news: All of your house’s structures and belongings will remain safe. The cockroach treatment will not harm anything in your house.
- A small exception: Fish aquariums may be left onsite; however, they should be covered and air filters must be disconnected.
- As long as you always seek this treatment from a certified cockroach extermination company like Thermokill and don’t rely on a DIY hack to kill bugs, you and your home should remain safe and sound.
Cockroach control services in simple words!
- Thorough property inspection.
- Preparation before the treatment starts. (Clear counters and empty cupboards, cabinets, drawers, and closets.)
- The technician will spray and/or set bait as required.
- The technician will vacuum the infested areas.
- After the treatment, DO NOT use other pest control chemicals (powders or sprays) or cleaning products anywhere near bait / spray, as this will decrease or eliminate the effectiveness of the treatments.
- DO remove all competing food sources (this means keeping all foods in tightly sealed containers, cleaning up spills as they occur, removing trash on a regular basis, etc.)
- You may place back all kitchen items right after the bait treatment.
- Upon re-entry, please open windows for 20 min to properly ventilate the treated rooms.